Many men experience what is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH. It is a condition that occurs when the prostate gland enlarges and pushes up against the bladder. This can lead to problems urinating because the enlarged gland sits in front of the urethra. As a result, it is important for all males over …
What Is CPR and How Does It Work
CPR is a technique that can be used to help save lives in emergency situations when someone isn’t breathing or has no pulse. When performed correctly, it can help restart the heart and lungs until paramedics arrive on scene. You should know how to do CPR if you are ever in an emergency situation where …
How to Make Your Own CBD Oil from Isolate
CBD is a compound in cannabis that has some medical benefits, but it’s also found in hemp and marijuana plants. CBD is often used for chronic pain, anxiety, depression, seizures, cancer, PTSD and other conditions. The best way to take advantage of the healing powers of CBD is by making your own CBD oil at …
Hemp oil vs CBD Oil: What’s the Difference?
Hemp oil and CBD oil are two hemp-based oils that have many similarities but also some key differences. Hemp is a hemp plant, while CBD is usually hemp extract in hemp seed oil. The two oils also have different tastes, textures, and smells! In this blog post we will cover the difference between hemp seed …
Benefits of Using a Fitness Tracker
Staying fit is important for everyone. In an increasingly sedentary world, we all know that sitting too long can be bad for your health. But staying active doesn’t mean you have to go out and run a 5k marathon or do a workout at the gym every day, in fact, many fitness experts say that …
Parenting Tips: How to Boost Your Child’s IQ – Simple Activities
A positive emotional climate allows your child express her feelings and make choices. An enriched environment is good for your child’s brain and the right environment will lay the foundation for lifelong learning. Remember, how your child uses her brains will determine its power. Good nutrition should be your top priority. Research has shown that …
Parenting Tips: How to Boost Your Child’s IQ – Simple ActivitiesRead More
Easily Lose Weight in Six Months
Losing weight in six months can be achieved with a consistent effort. Dr. Jordan Ruben, author of “The Makers Diet”, says in his book that combing certain foods can help curb cravings and help you feel fuller longer. Combining healthy fats, carbs and protein in each meal is essential. Healthy omega three fats are also …
How to Teach and Cultivate Fungus Life, The Mold: Fungi Eat and Grow Quite Simply, Mold Science Shows and Tells Well
Wood, paper, or cardboard items that are stored or left in moist, dark places such as basements, are sure to encourage and permit mold growth. Mold growth occurs and appears, sooner rather than later, in many moist places such as: refrigerators, old logs, fences and even on plastic surfaces. The odors of basements, fuzzy growths …