CPR is a technique that can be used to help save lives in emergency situations when someone isn’t breathing or has no pulse. When performed correctly, it can help restart the heart and lungs until paramedics arrive on scene. You should know how to do CPR if you are ever in an emergency situation where someone needs your assistance because it is one of the most important things you can learn. This article will teach you about what CPR is and how it works so that you’ll know exactly what to do if this situation arises.
How does CPR work?
CPR is a technique that can help restart the heart and lungs until paramedics arrive on scene. CPR is performed by pressing down on the chest to administer air into the lungs and blood to the rest of the body. It’s important not only to learn CPR but to practice doing it too so if you happen to be in an emergency situation you’ll know what to do. For every minute without CPR, a person has about 10% less chance of survival.
Why should I learn CPR?
There are a number of reasons why you should learn CPR besides the benefits mentioned above such as being able to protect yourself, your family members and friends in an emergency situation. It’s possible you may come across a stranger in need of help on the street or maybe just when you’re out for a jog. If you have no choice but to leave without helping them, I’m sure that would be very difficult for you to accept if their life was dependent on you. By learning this technique, you’ll also become more prepared and confident in emergency situations.
CPR is absolutely necessary to providing assistance to someone who needs it and can be a very life-saving technique if performed correctly. Not only do you learn about how the heart and lungs work, but CPR can help save people with other medical conditions such as a stroke or asthma attack. It’s also used to help people with heart attacks and cardiac arrest when they get better medical treatment.
The importance of knowing how to do CPR
CPR can be a lifesaving technique when someone is in cardiac arrest. Even if you’re not convinced that you could learn CPR, please continue reading. Knowledge of how to perform CPR could help save the life of someone you care about.
It is important that everyone learn how to do CPR because it can be a lifesaving technique when someone has gone into cardiac arrest. The American Heart Association recommends performing chest compressions for about 2 minutes, then pausing and giving rescue breaths until the person starts breathing again on their own or help arrives.